The story of Herbalogic herbs and the 2021 Disc Golf Pro Tour is one of serendipity. And a slight miscommunication.
Several of my neighbors in my urban townhouse community are avid disc golf players. A few years ago, a slightly used disc golf putter showed up on my welcome mat. Best we can figure, one of my disc-golf-playing neighbors dropped it, another non-disc-golf-playing neighbor found and mistook it for a child’s toy, and left it on the doorstep of one of the few units known to have children. My husband identified it for what it was, and accepted it as the serendipitous invitation to try out disc golf with our two young children. Next thing I knew the three of them were regularly stalking the used sporting goods store for more discs. When I questioned why we needed so many I heard an explanation that featured words like speed, turn, glide, and fade. It was a combinatorics problem where we end up owning 25 variations of the same thing.
A few months later my family dragged me out the disc golf course. As someone who dislikes games of physical fitness and coordination because I am basically inept at all of them, I was shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover I love playing disc golf. Why? Glad you asked…..
- Disc Golf is Accessible to Most Skill and Physical Fitness Levels- Some of you are training for your fifth ultramarathon. Some of you are lacing up your new walking shoes for the first time. With disc golf, you can engage in physical activity TOGETHER. When I throw a drive from the tee, it flies tens of feet, often toward the wrong basket. Meanwhile, my husband used his multi-hundred foot drives as explanation as to why he needed to buy a range finder. But we’re both on a walk through the park together.
- Relatively Low Cost of Entry- There are lots of physical activities out there I think look like fun; scuba diving, yachting, and mountain climbing to name a few. But they all have a significant financial barriers to entry. Playing a round of disc golf pretty well requires 1 or 2 discs to start, and those can be had at the used sporting goods store for about $20 - $30. Or, you can just come play with us, borrow a few of our discs, and my husband will likely hand you some of his discs as a parting gift to get you interested in playing again in the future. This has happened more to more than one of our friends.
- Most Disc Golf courses Are Free to Play- I have heard there are some pay to play courses out there, but mostly disc golf courses are located in public parks. I suppose public parks aren't technically free, but you already paid for them with your tax dollars, so you might as well take advantage.
- Disc Golfers Tend to Be Really Nice and Family Friendly- By and large, the disc golf community members are a chill group. I have been really impressed on more than one occasion by the willingness of strangers on the course to help retrieve discs from trees, thorny bushes and water hazards. No one, besides me, has ever expressed outward annoyance and my children’s behavior. Sure, there are the occasional expletives shouted in response to missed putts, but there’re mostly from me.
- Disc Golf Is a Perfect Socially Distanced Outdoor Activity - when the pandemic hit, my kids were desperate to see their friends. Sleepovers with videogames were a no-go. Inviting them to meet us at the disc golf course were a go-go! Same goes for adult friends and meeting at restaurants.
Last Thanksgiving, you know the one where my kids didn’t get to see their cousins and grandparents due to COVID-19, we took a family road trip to the Heritage Park disc golf course in Belton, Texas. About an hour drive, it gave us someplace different to play over the long weekend. Signage was still up from the professional tournament, The Open at Belton 2020, held the previous weekend. My husband commented, “Hey, you should look into Herbalogic being a tournament sponsor.” Turns out he meant Herbalogic should do like the local dentist’s office and have some signage on a hole at the Belton tournament. Well, you know the saying- go big or go home? I thought he meant become a corporate sponsor for the whole tour. That’s how it is you might notice the Herbalogic logo on the DGPT broadcasts this year. And therein lies the miscommunication.
I would love to tell you that Herbalogic's pro disc golf sponsorship is part of some larger, carefully crafted, business strategy. But the reality is Team Herbalogic likes things that are healthy, accessible, and fun. Even if you’re really bad at disc golf, it’s still really fun. If you’ve never played, you’re just going to have to trust me on this. Or, you know, try it yourself.