It’s Summer!!!
And we are all stuck at home because of a pandemic. As the temperatures rise, there is one thing kids and adults can both get behind - the overthrow of capitalism and the return of the means of production from the oligarchs to the people. I’m just kidding. It’s ice cream! To that end, we here on Team Herbalogic are starting our summer Herbed Ice Cream series. We aim to infuse juices and ice creams with herbal goodness and see what happens. Personally, I’m not convinced there won’t be disasters; many medicinal herbs don’t taste that great, some downright terrible. But onward we must go!
One caveat before we start. Bring it in a little closer, I don’t want to yell here… Look, I know that sugar is the highest evil. It is like a dietary version of the painting Dogs Playing Poker but instead of dogs it’s Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Satan and instead of playing poker they are torturing men’s souls; that’s sugar. But can we just not for a minute and consider that every once in a while it’s okay to have a little ice cream? Can we meet there and not in the comments section for a super extra shouting match about the evils of sugar?
Dave: OK, man… this was so good. The vanilla isn’t overwhelming and the flavor of the chamomile mixes really well with the honey but it is not too sweet. The chamomile tastes like you used honey that has a rounder more complex flavor. The cinnamon and cloves are subtle back-up flavors. The overall flavor is outstanding and is well complemented with berries or shortbread. I can tell you that the effect of the chamomile is subtle but when I have had this before bed I found that I slept pretty well. I will absolutely be making this again.
Jeanine: I too loved this ice cream flavor profile. The only thing that would have improved it was an ice cream cone or some similar sweet, crunchy type accompaniment. Since Dave didn't deliver any short bread with my Holy Roman Vanilla ice cream, I improvised. I raided my kids' stash of graham crackers and crunched some of those over the bowl. I too slept great that night, which was something of a shock considering I ate ice cream right before bed.