When should I take my herbs

When should I take my herbs

Herbs can be extremely helpful for some people when taken at the right time and for the right reason. However, timing can be a little tricky. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of taking herbs and how to time them to get the most out of their effects. We will also provide some examples of common scenarios and the recommended herbs and timings.

Why Timing Matters

Herbs can have different effects on your body depending on the time of day and your body's natural rhythms. For example, some herbs may be more effective in the morning, while others may work better in the evening. Additionally, certain herbs can help with specific issues such as stress, worry, and sleep problems.

To get the most out of your herbs, it's essential to take them at the right time and for the right reason. Here are some tips on how to time your herbs effectively:

  • Identify the issue you want to address: Consider why you want to take herbs and what specific issue you want to address. This will help you choose the right herbs and determine the best time to take them.
  • Consider your body's natural rhythms: Your body has natural rhythms that can affect how herbs work. For example, some herbs may be more effective when taken in the morning, while others may be better taken at night.
  • Be consistent: It's important to take herbs consistently and at the same time every day. This helps your body get used to the herbs and ensures that you get the most out of their effects.

Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some common scenarios and the recommended herbs and timings:

Scenario 1 - Work life is fine but not great: 

If you're frustrated or irritated at work, consider taking Decompress (liquid) at full strength before you leave the house and then again at lunchtime or as needed. This can help take the edge off and restore a reasonably good mood for the day.

Scenario 2 - Mentally tired and short-tempered: 

If you're mentally tired and find yourself getting snippy with people after lunch, take Decompress MX (capsules) at full strength right before you eat lunch. This can help dampen those feelings of short-temperedness.

Scenario 3 - Commuting stress: 

If you hate commuting and find yourself getting riled up during the drive home, take Decompress (liquid) at full strength right before you leave for home. This can help you stay calm and avoid getting angry at other drivers.

Scenario 4 - Air travel worry: 

If you're anxious about air travel, take Quiet Mind (capsules) on the day of travel, following the full package directions. If you're more stressed about checking in and security, take the herbs before you leave for the airport. If you're more stressed about the flight itself, take them once you get to the gate. Additionally, take Quiet Mind at full package directions about an hour before bed in the days leading up to your travel date. This can help reduce monkey mind chatter and promote better sleep.

Get the Most Out of Your Herbs

To get the most out of your herbs, it's important to be thoughtful about when you take them. Think about why you feel a certain way and the time you feel that way, and then take your herbs accordingly. This can lead to taking fewer herbs less often and getting more out of them.

Taking your herbal remedies or natural supplements can be a great tool for stress relief and paying a little attention this timing can help you get a lot more out of your herbs.

If you have questions about when to take your herbs, feel free to reach out to us.

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