Getting in the Mood for Saint Valentine's Day

Whether you love or hate the day we set aside for declarations of romantic affection, the enjoyment of it (or not) depends largely on the mood of those involved. Let’s face it: mood rules. Why else do we go to such lengths and expense to get the vibe just right?How do you get in the mood for Valentine's Day?

But what if the stage is set with all the right props — the perfect flowers, candlelight, your personal dark chocolate fountain, really good wine, and some slow, sultry music — and still you can’t shake the cares of the day? Or maybe you’re in a new relationship, and you’re a nervous wreck about where things are going or aren’t going? How do you hit the reset button and get yourself unfunked?

Sometimes, it can be as simple as interrupting your routine with something unusual. Go for a walk in a place you’ve never been, so you’re forced to pay attention to your surroundings. Indulge in a good massage; there are licensed massage therapists just about everywhere, and if you’re lucky enough to live in a city with a good massage school, you can often get massages from students for a steep discount. If you need a quicker fix, try doing something you normally do in a new way, like taking a shower with the lights off or using a different hand to brush your teeth. Sure it may sound odd, but you'd be surprised how some simple variations in your daily regimen can break a chain of bad thoughts.

Decompress: Herbal Support for Stress and TensionOf course, herbs can also help. Herbalogic makes three herbal products that support normal mood in different situations. We’vewritten about Decompress before, our blend of herbs to promoterelief from stress and tension. This is the formula to take when you’re uptight, have had a bad day, and are walking around looking for a dog to kick (metaphorically speaking).

Then there’s our Peacekeeper formula, which builds on the general stress relief of Decompress with additionalherbs to help mood swings due to PMS. If your period onset coincides with St. Valentine’s Day and you typically get moody, start taking Peacekeeper now, before it’s too late.

Lastly, if the whole idea of Valentine’s Day makes you anxious, and that worrywart of an alter-ego won’t stop its constant chatter in your head about all the things that could go wrong, check out ourQuiet Mind formula. The naturally calming herbs in this powerful formula really settle you down and make all the crazy things you’re worried about melt away.

Do you have any secrets for getting in a good mood or getting out of a bad one? Why not share them with the Herbalogic community? Leave a comment below or post your advice on our Facebook page. The advice with the most likes wins!

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