Get Free Shipping on Easy Breather!

Free Shipping on Easy Breather for a Limited Time

AUSTIN, TEXAS — Yesterday juniper pollen levels in Austin, Texas, topped out at more than 21,000 grains per cubic meter, the highest count in twenty years and the second highest on record. San Antonio hit 31,000. For those of us who are allergic to the nasty stuff — a condition we locally call "cedar fever" — we don't need a lab technician to tell us the score. We can feel it. The dry and itchy eyes. The headache. The runny nose. The sense that some demon with a bicycle pump is camped out in your plugged sinuses. In other words, general misery.

Here at Herbalogic, we live here and  suffer just like everyone else. And we created our formula Easy Breather just for this seasonal onslaught of epic irritation. We want to make it easier for you to try it by offering free shipping for online orders up to midnight on Friday, January 17. Just use the code ShipFreeEB14 at checkout.

Be sure to share this offer on Facebook or Twitter with your friends who may be suffering from the cedarpocalypse!


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